Today I am featuring one of our longest photo and furniture partners in Creative Moments. Lee Ann has been buying from us and trading us photos for hardware for probably seven or eight years now at least. She is a big part of why our site looks so great lately! Lee Ann not only has provided a ton of wonderful furniture photography to product pages throughout the site, but the entire operation of loading up the website with photos and getting involved in the furniture makeover industry started with her and just a few others way way back when we had just a dumpy little site and probably weren't all that appealing to work with. So we owe a big thank you to Lee Ann and it is very much my pleasure to feature some of her work on the blog and newsletter.
Lee Ann is easily reach through her Facebook Page. She does custom work in the Strathmore, Calgary, & Southern portions of Alberta, Canada. Now to show off some of her wonderful work! Lee Ann specializes in turning old junkers into beautiful pieces of furniture. So if you've got something that's still in good shape, but out of date or needs spruced up, Lee Ann is your woman!
Her blog and personal website always feature fantastic start to finish tutorials and walk throughs. These are great resources for other furniture artists, especially those just getting started. See here for her most recent post and walkthrough: Curvy French Dresser
The full walk through is amazing and really shows what a talented painter can do with what some might call junk at the start! Here's the final product.
And now I'll just finish up with a streak of her work from late last year. Each piece is truly wonderful and if you are anywhere near her then it will be well worth it to seek her out and see what she can do with your old pieces!
Contact Info Below!
Thank you Lee Ann!!