Before you begin any project it is important to make sure you have the tools necessary to complete the project in an efficient and timely manner. This applies especially when you are installing hinges. Without the proper tools it is very likely that you may waste much of your valuable time or simply make an error that could end up costing you money as well as time. Below is a list of tools you may need depending on what type of hinge you are installing. The list is not exhaustive, but with these tools you should be able to handle almost any installation.
- Tape measure – As with any project, correct measurement is a must.
- Pencil
- Hinges – Use the rest of our guide to determine the correct hinges.
- Hammer
- Wood Chisel – You will only need this for projects in which the hinge needs to be mortised.
- Matching Screws – We have a section dedicated to helping you pick out the correct screws that is very helpful. Remember, certain screws should be used for certain jobs and the screw finish should always match your hinge finish.
- Drill
- Screwdriver